Diary of a Lioness

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Woo Hoo!! Talk about a change of heart!!

There are a couple of reasons why I have already pulled out of the temporary zombie-like depression that I fell into a couple of days ago.

Firstly, and most importantly, my girls. I love them so much. I honestly do not know where I would be without them. I'm usually quite a proud person; when I am in trouble or need to ask for a favour I usually refrain from asking them and if they ever find out later they usually go mad at me. It's not like I don't already know that they will be there for me, but I just don't like to put my problems on to other people.

But...Obviously when it comes to love and stuff like that, they are the first people I call. :)

So. Last night my girl cheered me up by cooking me a meal and we had a little talk, and she made me realise a few things...I was already feeling a lot better and was going to stay at hers that night so that we could open a bottle and continue with the gossiping....until...............HE called ;)


Yes. HE. Many of you already know who, but for now he will remain anonymous. Because that is just how I am ;)

But what matters is that he called, and we spoke. And then we met up! And it was beautiful....but odd.

Now, I am not going to get into why it was a bit odd; it's not that it was odd between us, but something quite odd happened. So now I am itching to meet up with my other girl so we can gossip and she can tell me what she thinks....because if I am honest I don't know what to think!!!!

I'm not meeting her until 8......seems like a lifetime away :( Even on the phone we are like "No we can't talk about it yet, it's got to be saved for when we meet up, we need to discuss it all from start to finish." Lol. Girls, I know you can relate.


There's nothing better than a catch up with your girls. And because of my crazy life, you could not speak to me for only a few hours and I'll still have loads to update you on!!!! Guaranteed!! Sometimes I don't know how my friends keep up. And my memory can be so bad, that half the time I'm asking them what happened to me! I'll be telling them a story, and then they'll cut in like "No P, that's not what happened. You did this, then that, then so and so said that" and I'm like, oh yeah, for real.

Oh I love it.

Sometimes I think my life is too crazy, too random, too screwed up

Other times, I am SO GRATEFUL for my life, what I have achieved, the opportunities that come my way, the experiences I've been fortunate enough to have experienced.

And I am extremely excited about the future ;) I get butterflies when I think about it, lol

Anyhoo.....so, like I said, something rather odd happened, and now I am left thinking....

Wish I could share all my thoughts with you guys sometimes...

Can I thank you for your messages and emails regarding my last 2 posts; it's mad that so many of you that I have never met, may never even meet, genuinely care and can send me advice that actually benefits me and that I can be grateful for. Thank you ;) Mmwwaaaaahhhhh

I've got to get back to work. As usual. I've got a few people on trial to be my new PA; one is already really impressing me over the others; she is doing a fantastic job.

I'm hungry, haven't eaten yet :(

Love you

Portia xx


Anonymous said...


That sounds tooooo juicy!!!

How can I be this excited and i don't know who or what ur talking about?!!

It just sounds so juicy mango lemon freshly squeezed ugh!

Share the goss, I love a romance!!!

See all the exclaimation marks!!

Alenah <-- holla at; share juicy grape gossip :D

Anywayyyy glad to see you're happy loool

much love xXx

Portia Freno said...

Glad you enjoy babe! Lol, everyone keeps facebooking me saying that my blog is like a really good story book that they are addicted to! I'm glad my mad life is entertaining, lol.

Don't worry, I will def share the goss, I just won't get TOO personal, and I am highly unlikely to name any names...those who read the papers or stalk me (lol) are likely to know though...WHO it is is irrelevant; it's WHAT happens between us that's the interesting part.... ;)

Love ya, P xx

P.s. Did you have to mention mangoes? My favourite and now I am craving.. :(

Anonymous said...

LOL those who stalk you; I'm clearly not doing a very good job then! (I joke)

Yeah it is a very nice read.. all the different chapters and cliff hangers.. it is so sexy and the city minus the nudity.

Gwarn, treat yourself to a mango. Maybe even two... don't resist... mmmmm

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

good for u and u have sedulous lips if i may say so maam

Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day

rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me