Diary of a Lioness

Saturday, 15 November 2008

I wonder what will replace Sex And The City?

Nothing, I believe

It's a good job I don't get bored of watching the episodes over and over. But I have to admit, I am kinda panicking! What do we do now? It's only really sunk in for me!!

It. Is. Over

Call me late, perhaps I was in denial for a while, and too busy to really be too affected.

But now I'm in shock!!

Even Family Guy, All Of Us, America's Next Top Model; they are all weak replacements

I can only weep, and hope, that they realise how much this is affecting us all and bring it back!

Who wants to start a petition? Oh I bet there are already plenty on the net. Let me go and check and join....


Anonymous said...

Oh wow I think I love you LOOOL

Howww ooww oww do you know...

How could they stop making a programme that coined the phrase 'funky spunk' ???


When a petition I'm signing it!

I never did see the film though :o...

Portia Freno said...
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Portia Freno said...

You didn't?

Aww girl you missed out!!

I only saw it the other day though...my girls and I kept arranging to go and see it on cinema, but our schedules clashed, then it stopped showing lol, so we kept trying to arrange a night to all meet up and watch it on dvd; which happened but I was too busy! So all my girls saw it without me and it's fair to say that I was jealous! In the end I ended up watching it with one of my good friends I hadn't seen for a while...and it was BIG!! LOVED IT. Seriously. Some people dissed it but they didn't know what they were talking about!!

There might be a sequel... ;)

Anonymous said...

Yep the same thing happened to me... Wanted to see it with the girs but we couldn't get our schedules to match and the ex outright REFUSED to see it (how rude) and then it went out of the cinemas... and then some silly person ruined the ending for me!!! I'll buy the Doovd soon though :D

Portia Freno said...


We love the same programs.

You should go to hoomv and buy it before it sells out! xx