Diary of a Lioness

Thursday, 29 January 2009

You got the wrong girls!!


So last night went to the Neyo party. If I'm honest it wasn't that great. The best part was probably stealing Oreo cookies from Neyo's dressing room. And I'm not lying. So we got there around 11...crowd was already warming up and once masterstepz arrived the music was good so yeah there was a good vibe and everyone was getting down. But all I was really interested in was seeing Neyo perform. Well actually I wanted to see his dancers cos at his gigs he always has good performers. Obviously I had my all access wrist band but even that didn't prove to be much fun; the vip lounge and dressing room area was dead; the lounge more or less consisted of me, my girl Carmen, Danielle Lloyd and a friend, two randoms and a couple of photogs and promoters...there wasn't much going on in there so after claiming one of the dressing rooms and dumping our stuff in there we went back on the dance floor.

Then as the room started to get quite full we moved onto the stage to have our own free space to party. Neyo came. He sang one song. He went back to his table on the stage and surrounded himself with groupies.

Now to all the girls that were surrounding him; I am not calling you a groupie; you are what you are and to the girls that I knew and just wanted pictures etc it's all love. But you know who I am talking about.

Why are girls such let-downs these days? Are you really willing to sleep with someone as long as they are famous? Do you think it's a good look? Is that how you plan to get somewhere in life? Do you think you were the first girl for him?....that day?

I'm not here to judge, but I think girls should conduct themselves a little better. That's all.

Anyway, Neyo has never really interested me that much so when he said wait 2 minutes for a pic I was gone and straight back to dancing away.

Girls were throwing themselves over him and it wasn't really my style so I left the stage and went to meet a couple of friends that had just arrived.

My girl was still on stage, on the other side of the stage to where Neyo was sitting, oblivious to what was going on (as usual) and in her own little world dancing hard as she always is. So after about 45 minutes I came back to the stage to find her.

Couldn't see her anyway.

Asked Masterstepz "Where's my friend?"


Asked my boy Gianno "Where's my friend?"

"Oh, that curly- haired mad girl? She got asked to leave the stage"


Why on earth would she get asked to leave the stage? She's with me?? Lol!

So I went and asked security if it was true, and they were like "Oh, your curly haired mad friend?" (Yeah, they described her exactly the same way my friend did. "She got asked to leave because she was annoying Neyo"

Now something didn't make sense to me, because I know that she did not care about Neyo.

So I told them exactly that. And do you know what they said? "That's exactly why. He only wants groupies"



Well I went back on stage and purposely walked past Neyo who made this stupid noise like daaaaaaaaayyyymm and tried to holla, and I gave him the DIRTIEST look ever and said "wrong girl baby"

Haha! Revenge for my girl! I should have thrown one of his bottles of champagne at him!

I went searching for my girl and found her in our dressing room lol, the one we had claimed when we first arrived, charging her phone. I was cracking up. She didn't give a damn, cussed a bit but we were soon back on the dance floor laughing at the losers that will happily degrade themselves to be near a famous guy.

My girl was like, what did he want me to do, jump on him? Pleeeaaassse.

So the honest truth is the highlight for me was that and the Oreo cookies

I've got some pics but I'm not gonna post them all up now, but here's a few. And thank goodness for Raeqwon; noone need bother to take a camera out with them these days with Raeqwon about.

About to go on stage and sing the one tune that he bothered to sing
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With Toba and Mike L

Masterstepz playing to an excited (for nothing) crowd

Some chick actually threw her knickers on stage. I think that's the type of girls he wanted at his table with him

Danielle looks good as a brunette; with Raeqwon

With my boy Gianno who I hadn't seen in ages


All the pics of me and my girl are on her camera and I'm not with her now, so I'll upload them later.

Oh I got some of the pics of me and my friend at the Thriller Premier but I'll post them up another day too

Anyway before the Neyo party I had an appointment at the salon that sponsors my hair; Adee Phelan. Fantastic hairdressers, won loads of awards and have done loads of celebrities hair including Solange, David Beckham, Sean Paul, Erykah Badu, Thandie Newton to name a few. I wanted to get rid of my highlights so Lorraine told me to come in and within a few hours I had a gloriously glossy mane ;) www.AdeePhelan.com
Lorraine will be talking a bit about what she does with my hair and other celebs she has worked with on my website soon and all my Member's will be able to get a discount at the salon, so I'll let you know when to check that out. She's off to Dubai today for a well earned break.

Day before I had a shoot and a few interviews including a filmed interview for Streetz Inc. Not sure whether I'll post that up; it will def go on my Members Site but I may put a few snippets up on here or on the main website.

The shoot went well despite me being pissed about a few work-related discrepancies and the pics look hot. I met another model Sashia there who also provided some gorgeous pieces as she is a stylist. She was lovely and I just found this pic of us on her page


Anyway I shouldn't even be here writing a blog when I have 101 other things to do and I'm actually falling behind on a few things. So you can catch up with me later. I am shooting again tomorrow so really I should get to work and try to be in bed at a decent time for once

Speak soon

Love ya

Porsh xx


Anonymous said...

Busy Busy Portia...lol

isnt Neyo going bald? get outta here lol I would have to say a woman who tries to get with him without knowing anything about him is as you said a groupie.
BUT he should have been trying to be a PF groupie as you will be bigger than him soon enough :-)

And I love Oreos...

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

looking good and not to steal your words "but are u serious?" dang

have a great weekend and chk my new post...

Anonymous said...

That is why you and your friend will go far and remain credible within your industry! There are sadly too many groupies giving beautiful hard workig girls like yourselves bad press until artist just accept that behaviour as normal and your as abnormal! lol

Too funny! Ne-Yo is a talented artist and songwriter but I feel disappointed with his behaviour and he now NOT on the top of my list to interview!

Keep doing your thing!

Tru Life Magazine