Diary of a Lioness

Friday, 2 January 2009

Portia Freno a housewife??

For the past week, although I have been working; meetings, ideas, organising etc, I've still been in the house a lot. And the scary thing is I've absolutely loved it! I've been helping out, cleaning, looking after my Godson, cooking, taking early morning jogs (ok that was just the once) but I have really been playing "housewife". As in staying in and looking after the house, the kids lol. It's been really nice though; I've been surrounded by people I love and who love me and there is never a dull moment in this house! Hold on, just got to check the oven..... K I'm back. I'm making a macaroni cheese due to popular demand. I used to make them all the time, though usually with chicken, veg, rice etc, but today I just made a macaroni as all the kids were complaining saying I haven't made one for ages. Well sorreee lol.

Here's a pic of my Godson and I; I took this last night and yes I look rough but it's not about me ok? So ignore me.


Ok I left for a while but I'm back now. Just stuffed my face despite telling myself that I wouldn't eat any myself as I want to get in shape for my launch party but oh well. It's time I faced the truth; I will always have a big appetite and I will never be able to diet. My Godsons older brother was begging me to put a pic of him up on my blog so here it is. With the macaroni


And here's cutie pie who is also sooooo greedy, looking delighted at the sight of food and ready to attack with his, ahem, knife


Seriously, he eats as much as me. I am sure if I had let him he would have finished the whole thing. Like I would


So, am I ready to say goodbye to the inustry, my career, parties, planning, meetings, shows, events, shoots, auditions, stress etc?


What I do know, is I play mother/housewife very well and I can't wait until that day comes. Obviously I am nowhere near ready; I have to reach the height of my career until I start a family, and I want to be able to give my family my all and not have to worry about anything like money or work. I'm not being naive; I know it can't always be like that for everyone, but I am going to make sure it is for me! I admire all the hardworking mothers out there, although it is expected to get on with it and be a mother, I've seen examples of mothers slacking so I have a lot of respect for those who do a good job.

Anyway, anyone hearing me talk like I am broody or something would slap me! Especially anyone in my team; they'd be like "Portia are you mad?".

I guess that's what I'm working for; to be able to have a big family home, holidays, no worries. To be able to look after my whole family; my mother, my brothers and sisters. Money does not solve everything but what it does do is give you a whole load of stress free opportunities!

So, I've set up a plan. I guess you could call it a life plan. Some of you might think I'm a weirdo, but I am sure many of you have prob already done that yourselves. It makes sense. I'm not going to tell you my life plan though lol, cos it includes all of my business ventures plus you might try to copy it hahaha.

No but seriously, you probably would. It's a pretty good plan ;)

I didn't wish any of you guys a Happy New Year did I? Sorry! Well I kinda did in my Xmas post but not on New Years day...I didn't do much. I was supposed to go to church with everyone; I think they went to Wembley Stadium and apparently it was amazing...I'm really quite annoyed with myself for deciding not to go, but I had told my best friend I would chill at hers and we would just eat and get merry; I didn't want to rave or be out with randoms on New Years as I don't really feel that that is what t is all about....You can go to a club with your friends any day but at the start of a new year you should be reflecting, chilling; that's what I think anyway. So I asked my best friend to come down to the house and come to church with everyone but she was complaining about how far it was!! Considering she lives in St Albans and I was in North London I thought that was a bit of a cheek! lol. So I went down to hers and we just relaxed; ate too much chocolate and chilled watching tv and that. Nothing to shout about, sorry guys. What were you expecting? Pictures of me out on the town, club hopping my way through about 6 events? Yeah ok, I did consider it lol. But I came to my senses ;) Had a meeting with my PR agent the other day and there will be less partying for me anyway!


What are you doing down there?

This year is going to be crazy. Watch this space ;)

Portia xxxx


Anonymous said...

No no nooo a beautiful woman as talented as u posesses qualities mo than a housewife! Then again i can understand the next manz fantasy of u bein a housewife tho lol
Rahhh if hez a billionaire then aight shake a leg bein a housewife but if not stay focus on yo hustle ma xXx

Anonymous said...

LooooooooL this is funny considering the topics of today.
You know my feelings on marriage and such right now....."BOLLOCKS"!!!! lol

And thank you for making me feel bad about my new years...I was with a LOT of random people and did club hop etc. etc. so thanks for the 2009 guilt trip. :-) jk

And the Mac looked awesome and you didn't look "rough"

Mr. Numb3rs

Anonymous said...

and I can take credit for you feeling so broody, the pics of my nephew did it didnt they? lol
My nephew+your Godson= Portia being very broody.

Anonymous said...

...on a one to one theres probably not a guy on this earth who wouldnt want u as wifey material (ur mr is a lucky guy) but u just keep doing ur thing and keep doing YOU! dont let anyone try n change that unless YOU want to... *wink* x

Anonymous said...

Hey P...as much as ANY guy would want to wife you off, it would be kinda selfish to keep you hidden and NOT show you off to the rest of the world! keep your game up.